This page will be updated with news and information for Christmas Lights 2024 ...

Latest updates: (27/11/24)
Christmas Lights: The event will run from 4pm until 8pm on Friday November 29th at Houldsworth Square, with the lights switch on at 6pm. This year we've asked local 'celebrities' Jonny Snr and Jonny Jnr from Jonny's Cafe to perform the ceremonial switch-on.
Entertainment and Event Line-Up: Children from Reddish Vale School Centre Stage Theatre Stealth Cheer Churches Together Carol Singers Hawk Green Brass Band All Star Dance Stockport (youth) Music Project We also have Christmas Lanterns, Father Christmas, virtual rollercoaster rides and children's activities on a number of stalls.
Refreshments and Stalls:
A wide range of food and drink refreshments, crafts and gifts will be available, with a number of local community groups represented alongside.
Lanterns: Our workshops took place at Re-Dish, were hosted by Janet from Knit2Tog, and the lanterns they produced are fabulous ... we can't wait to see them!

'Churches Together' Carols Singing: Around 25 people turnned out to represent their Church, rehearsing carol singing for this year's event, Co-ordinated by Hannah Buckley and hosted by Emmanuel Church.
Volunteer Stewards: We are as is usual for these events, welcoming volunteers who would like to be stewards for this event, welcoming people and helping to ensure safety on site. To register your interest please e-mail
Road Closures: From 2pm in the afternoon, we will be monitoring the junction of Bolton St And Leamington Rd, adjacent to Houldsworth Square, prior to our event road closures at 3.45pm, re-opening at 9pm. At 3.35pm a diversion will be put in place on Bolton St, directing traffic to Dover St, avoiding the junction of Bolton St and Leamington Rd. Leamington Rd itself will be closed to traffic from Lichfield Avenue to Houldsworth Square.
Facebook Event Page: If you are on Facebook, please invite your friends to this event via our event page at:
First Aid: The first aid post will be fully operational throughout the event at Re-Dish.